Zoe's Game
Zoe has invited you to her birthday party, where you will have to play a very special game.
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Content warning: violence, blood, psychological horror.
Texts in English. Textos en español. Textos en català.
This is a demo made by Lyhdyr, Mireia, Miriam, Héctor and Sergi during the 2024 edition of the preincubation & acceleration program PowerUp+. The demo covers the introduction and first puzzle. The team is currently working on more content.
Music made by Glynmoog.
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Steam page currently under construction.
Follow us for more updates on the game!
Status | In development |
Platforms | HTML5, Windows |
Authors | Lemon Bird, weweplayero, Lyhdyr |
Genre | Visual Novel, Puzzle |
Made with | Godot |
Tags | 2D, Escape Game, Godot, Horror, LGBT, Multiple Endings, Point & Click, Psychological Horror |
Average session | About a half-hour |
Languages | Catalan; Valencian, English, Spanish; Castilian |
Inputs | Mouse, Touchscreen |
Accessibility | Subtitles |
ZoesGame_0.8.5.zip 86 MB
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Buenas acabo de terminar vuestro juego! no soy fan de las novelas visuales, buenoo mas que no soy fan.... es que no suelo jugar a muchas la verdad, pero esta me ha gustado mucho! la verdad.. que al finall se me quedo corta.. jaja en lo mas interesante, felicidades!! con vuestro permiso os voy a subir en mi nuevo proyecto de indies para recomendaros! un saludo de Majoindies.
Hola! Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por añadirnos a tus recomendadiones, MajoIndies!
Hey! I just played your demo, and as someone who loves playing and making escape room/adventure games, I found it really fun to play through!
I think the story setup is really interesting and kinda novel for a death-game style story, which is awesome. The cast is also pretty diverse in terms of personalities, which is super useful to make funny/interesting interactions happen. I do think the pacing was kinda fast (I'm aware it's only a demo so I understand that maybe some things were cut). I feel like Kai and Zoe's characters weren't given enough of an introduction, so the story beats feel rushed at times.
I loved the colour palette, it really pops out, which is super useful for point and click style games and retaining player interest. The character sprites were also pretty colourful and I found their designs pretty cool too. As a piece of advice, I think their arms could be worked on, they're a little bit out of proportion (and poses in sprites are really important!).
As I said, I like the setup and where the story is going (is Zoe the culprit or is she a victim too?). I think mystery games where you can get ahead of players' expectations are the most interesting ones.
Overall, good job! Looking forward to the full release.
Hi! Thank you very much for playing and for your kind words. We also value that you gave us feedback on art and plot pacing, we're going to keep that into consideration for the full release!
Bon dia, persones de LemonBird,
Primer de tot gràcies per desenvolupar el vostre videojoc en llengua catalana.
Vaig jugar la vostra Demo versió 0.85 i vaig trobar un parell de coses:
- Estava jugant des del navegador Edge (Microsoft) i en la zona de cuina es va congelar i vaig haver de sortir al Menú.
- Això que escriuré succeeix a vegades en altres videojocs, si l'ordinador el tens configurat a 150% (escala i distribució) la pantalla completa (maximitzar la finestra) de l'executable no funciona.
Gràcies pel vostre temps.
Bones, Emilio,
Moltes gràcies per jugar a la demo i per avisar-nos d'aquests bugs que has trobat. Esperem resoldre'ls aviat.
M'ha agradat moltíssim. M'ho he passat molt bé. Molt d'ànim!
Moltes gràcies <3
Una meravella de joc. No m'esperava gens el final, i m'ha fet molta gràcia la possible inspiració en certa saga de novel·les visuals! Moltes ganes de veure com continua el joc de la Zoe ;)
Hola, moltes gràcies pel teu comentari! Sí, la veritat és que a algunes persones de l'equip els agrada molt certa saga jeje
con ganas de que continuéis! que inquietante hehe. Si es que no te puedes fiar de la gente guapa...
Gracias 💜
Qué maravilla que se estén haciendo videojuegos así. Se nota el tremendo curro que hay detrás. ¡Espero que os vaya genial! 💜
Awww muchas gracias 🫂 💜
Una propuesta muy interesante y chula! Esperamos seguir viendo más de vosotres y de este jueguito :)
Muchas gracias por tu comentario <3
this was so interesting i cant wait to play the rest of the game pls keep up the good work
Thanks for playing and for your comment! Yeah we're working on it :D